13 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe

Carol'ın Kızından Hediye Paketiniz Vaarrr!

27 ağustos son katılım tarihi

Now that is one heck of a prize pack! So to enter head over to Carol’s Daughter and pick out a product and scent you would like to try, and come back here and tell me WHY!

Extra Entries:
~sign up for Prissy Green Updates (emails) New email!~Sign up for Prissy Green RSS feed~Fave on Technorati, digg, stumble, kirtsy etc. Easy Link Below! leave a comment for each you do.~Twitter this You can do this daily! ~ make sure you leave link~Place Prissy Green button on your website~Place Prissy Green FITNESS week button on your website (two entries)~Blog about this contest, and leave a link to Prissy Green and Sponsor. (only counts if you have these links!) THREE ENTRIES!


2 yorum:

Stil Direktoru dedi ki...

Sen katıldın mı cicim?

Esra E. dedi ki...

yok daha katılmadım vakit varmıs üstünkörü okumuştum tam detaylarını şuan bilmiyorum:)